New roles for concert halls in a technologised society

With the rise of artificial intelligence, a high technology has reached the depths of society. And there is a growing sense of what it will be like to live in this new world. Will "thinking machines" be able to solve human problems - or will they themselves become a challenge to humanity? Whereas computers perform routine processes - and we live more in routines than we commonly believe - at lightning speed, the question of reserves for human thoughts and actions grow. Creativity and the arts are (still) considered such zones: Visual arts, music, theater - they all live from from human inventiveness, imaginativeness, and creativity. And there is something else: The unchanneled interpersonal encounter, the communal experience - so the unanimous agreement amongst researchers - can hardly be simulated by machines.

What does a technology-driven world mean for our community? What developmental psychological consequences for perception and reception are already foreseeable, for example in Generation Alpha?" What is the future of analog forms, analog experience such as live music? What opportunities does this present for concert halls and other venues?

These and other questions will be addressed by TAOME VOl. IX from 28.2. to 1.3.2024.

The symposium has been taking place since 2008 and is a cooperation between the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and Körber-Stiftung and associated with the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO). In 2022 the questions and challenges of the concert scene in face of the pandemic, energy and security crises in Europe were discussed under the motto Change in the Making. You can listen to individual keynotes again on this website.

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Social development requires dialogue and understanding. Through operational projects, networks and in conjunction with cooperation partners, the Körber-Stiftung addresses current social challenges in areas of activities comprising ʻKnowledge for Tomorrowʼ, ʻInternational Dialogueʼ and ʻVibrant Civil Societyʼ, as well as with ʻCultural Impulses for Hamburgʼ. Inaugurated in 1959 by the entrepreneur and initiator Kurt A. Körber, the Körber-Stiftung is now active nationally and internationally with its own projects and events.

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

In the flow of the river Elbe and surrounded on three sides by water, Hamburg’s concert hall, the Elbphilharmonie, is a centre of attraction for all who live in Hamburg as well as for visitors from all over the world. The spectacular building, which celebrated its opening in January 2017, houses two concert halls, a large music education area, a range of places to eat and drink, a hotel and the public Plaza, which offers visitors an unparalleled panoramic view over the whole city. Artistic quality, variety and accessibility shape the musical programme of Hamburg’s cultural landmark.

Co-operation partners

European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO)

The European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO) is an active network bringing together many of the major concert halls in Europe in order to promote professional exchange, shared reflection and the initiation of joint initiatives. ECHO constitutes a platform for open exchange and for joint thinking on the opportunities, developments and shared challenges central to the lives of concert halls in the 21st century. All of the ECHO halls are producing institutions and demonstrate a high level of artistic integrity presenting a significant level of own productions in the performance series they offer. ECHO leads an EU funded platform for the development of international emerging talent in classical music for the period 2018-2021.

Kultur Management Network

Since its foundation in 1996, Kultur Management Network has developed into one of the leading digital information services and service providers for professionals and managers in the European cultural sector. One of its core products is the Kulturmanagement job market, which connects qualified workers from all fields of activity and sectors of cultural management with organisations and companies in the public and private cultural sector. In addition, supports cultural actors in their everyday work with an extensive editorial offer consisting of digital guides and work aids, the Kultur Management Network magazine, articles on the website and the podcast "Dienstags im Koi".


ByteFM is a music and culture radio station from Hamburg. The programme with a hand-picked selection of music is created and presented by 100 journalists and connoisseurs of the scene. ByteFM is free of advertising and is financed by the "Friends of ByteFM" association. The programme has received numerous awards, including the Grimme Online Award and the Rocco Clein Prize for Music Journalism.






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