

2024: Vol. IX – New roles for concert halls in a technologised society

What perspectives does live music have in a technologised society? How are audiences and expectations changing? And how could concert halls, opera houses, and festivals respond to this? A technologised society entails that artificial intelligence will increasingly penetrate all areas of life. The consequences and opportunities of this ubiquitous technology were discussed by 180 participants at the 9th edition of TAOME, hosted by the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and Körber-Stiftung.


Symposium Content 2024

Video documentary Symposium The Art of Music Education Vol. IX

What perspectives does live music have in a technologised society? How are audiences and expectations changing? And how could concert halls, opera houses, and festivals respond to this? A technologised society entails that artificial intelligence will increasingly penetrate all areas of life. The consequences and opportunities of this ubiquitous technology were discussed by 180 participants at the 9th edition of TAOME, hosted by the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and Körber-Stiftung.

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Video recording Stefan Göllner: A brief introduction to the function and mode of action of generative AI

Stefan Göllner is the Innovation Manager at the KI-Campus in the Stifterverband. In his opening statement, he highlighted, among other things, the stages and speed of development of artificial intelligence. In addition to the rapid increase in computing power, it is the global connectivity that enables AI to process worldwide knowledge bases (Big Data). Göllner outlined the performance capabilities of current AI systems, such as the video generator Zora from OpenAI, and demonstrated differences in the learning behavior of AI.

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Video recording Gesa Birnkraut: Problem outline Evaluation - data and interpretation

Evaluation and impact measurement are indispensable in the future: Not only for reasons of legitimacy but also for one's own experience and further professionalization. In her presentation, Gesa Birnkraut explained the basic motivations for a serious engagement with the question of how one's own actions can be described, examined, measured, and interpreted more precisely.

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Video recording Ayad Al-Ani: Roles of cultural institutions in the (digital) transformation

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ayad Al-Ani is an associated member of the Einstein Center Digital Future in Berlin and an expert in transformation processes in economy and society. His keynote enriched the symposium with an external perspective on cultural policy and institutional development over the past five decades, linked to the question of the challenges cultural institutions face today.

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Video recording Robert Laidlow: Wrap up - Thoughts on your way

Robert Laidlow, composer, AI researcher, and currently a Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford University, began his closing thoughts on the conference with considerations on the nature of human interaction. He vividly described how technological developments and civilizational achievements expand our abilities and invited the audience to a thought experiment on whether and which mental and physical abilities could be "outsourced" through this new technology.

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Players 2024

Andrea Thilo

Ashley Fell (remote)

Asya Fateyeva

Ayad Al-Ani

Beat Fehlmann

Britta Leusing

Carsten Brosda

Cathy Wilkinson

Christoph Lieben-Seutter

Diana Huth

Federico Rinaldi

Franz Krämer

Gesa Birnkraut

Jasmina Idler

Johannes Voit

Juan Arauco

Laurent Chrétien (remote)

Lothar Dittmer

Matt Robinson

Maurice Mersinger

Oscar Whyman

Portrait XO

Rebecca Leger

Robert Laidlow

Ronald Lowijs

Sandra Wachter (remote)

Seán McFadden

Sebastian Trump


Stefan Göllner

Gallery 2024

Wednesday, 28.02.2024

Dr Lothar Dittmer (Chairman of the Executive Board, Körber-Stiftung)

Opening TAOME Vol. IX

Prof Dr Dr Ayad Al-Ani (Associate member Einstein Centre Digital Future, Berlin)

Prof Dr Dr Ayad Al-Ani, Christoph Lieben-Seutter and Maurice Mersinger

Accreditation TAOME Vol. IX

Geert-Jan van Beijeren Bergen en Henegouwen (Project Manager Metavenues & SPOT Groningen)

Prof Dr Sebastian Trump and Asya Fateyeva at Get-Together Halle 424

Asya Fateyeva in concert with Steinway Spirio Halle 424

Get-Together Dinner Halle 424

TAOME Vol. IX Körber-Stiftung and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Participants TAOME Vol. IX

Plenary TAOME Vol. IX

Christoph Lieben-Seutter (General and Artistic Director, Elbphilharmonie & Laeiszhalle Hamburg)

Ashley Fell (Social Researcher and Director of Advisory, McCrindle) *remotely

Panel discussion with Ashley Fell (remotely), Christoph Lieben-Seutter, Maurice Mersinger and Andrea Thilo (Host)

Dr Lothar Dittmer, Anke Fischer, Christoph Lieben-Seutter, Kai-Michael Hartig

Ronald Lowijs (Head Innovation & Development SPOT Groningen and Program Manager CrossWise)

Workshop "Metavenues", led by Laurent Chrétien, Ronald Lowijs and Federico Rinaldi

Concert Halle 424

Review of the concert Halle 424

Get-Together Halle 424

Plenary TAOME Vol. IX

Plenary TAOME Vol. IX

Plenary TAOME Vol. IX

Thursday, 29.02.2024

Stefan Göllner (Innovation Manager, KI-Campus)

Dr Britta Leusing (Deputy Head, KI-Campus)

Prof Sandra Wachter (Professor of Technology and Regulation, University of Oxford) *remotely

Rebecca Leger (Co-organiser of the AI Song Contest), Portrait XO (transdisciplinary artist) and Seán McFadden (CEO & senior developer, ontoworks)

Sebó and Oscar Whyman (Project manager and participant at Word up)

Franz Krämer (PostDoc at the Chair of Education, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg)

Blind Date with Alexej Gerassimez, Recital Hall Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Plenary TAOME Vol. IX

Workshop "Rules for tools – Key questions and guidelines for dealing with AI tools and apps", led by Dr Jasmina Idler

Workshop "Analysing documents and data with generative AI", led by Stefan Göllner

Diana Huth and plenary TAOME Vol. IX

Panel discussion with Rebecca Leger, Portrait XO, Seán McFadden, Sebó, Diana Huth (Host) and Oscar Whyman

Dr Carsten Brosda (Senator for Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg)

Blind Date with Alexej Gerassimez, Recital Hall Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Participants Recital Hall Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Friday, 01.03.2024

Prof Dr Gesa Birnkraut, Alexej Gerassimez, Cathy Wilkinson and Andrea Thilo

Matthew Robinson (Head of Community Music, Konzerthaus Dortmund)

Workshop "Music educators as 'reflective practitioners'", led by Prof Dr Johannes Voit

Workshop "The Ludwigshafen impact model as a management and communication tool", led by Beat Fehlmann

TAOME Vol. IX, Programme booklet

Prof Dr Gesa Birnkraut (Professor of Strategic Management in the Non-Profit Sector, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences)

Workshop "Music educators as 'reflective practitioners'", led by Prof Dr Johannes Voit

Workshop "Experiment, perform and evaluate: Integrating scientific research into music education projects", led by Juan Arauco

Robert Laidlow (Composer and Fellow at Jesus College, University of Oxford)

See you in 2026





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