2022: Vol. VIII – Change in the Making
Actors from the field of music education met at the The Art of Music Education symposium in Hamburg from 11 to 13 October 2022. This eighth edition of the international conference organised by the Elbphilharmonie and Körber-Stiftung once more brought guests from across Europe together to discuss current issues against the background of the pandemic as well as the energy and security crisis in Europe.
Symposium Content 2022
Video documentary Symposium The Art of Music Education Vol. VIII (2022)
Video documentation of the symposium The Art of Music Education Vol. VIII 11.10. - 13.10.2022 Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and Körber Forum.
The eighth edition of the international conference organised by Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and Körber-Stiftung gathered guests from all over Europe under the title "Change in the Making" to discuss current issues in view of the pandemic, energy and security crisis in Europe.
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Video recording “How I became an activist” with Chi-chi Nwanoku 12/10/2022
“I didn’t become an activist – I was born as an activist”: The founder of Chineke! Orchestra impressively described her life, characterised by many experiences of racism and discrimination. Her irrepressible energy – she qualified for the Munich Olympics as a sprinter in the 1970s – sent her into music after an injury ended her sports career. She learned to play the double bass so well that she is now performing with the most renowned orchestras in concert halls around the world. She founded Chineke!, the first orchestra of BIPOC musicians, In 2014.
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Video recording of the keynote “Why we cannot avoid change” with Feimatta Conteh 11/10/2022
Feimatta Conteh is Environmental Sustainability Manager at the Manchester International Festival. She has been involved in sustainability, technological development, digital culture, and the arts for more than 15 years. Her keynote emphasised that change must not be limited to methods but also encompass the way of thinking. Using the festival, which has by now become established as “Factory International”, as an example, she described a number of levers a production site can use to increase sustainability and develop a new corporate culture. This is also about putting the field of Creative Learning at the focus as it will anchor the new structure in society.
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Greetings from Kent Nagano
The concept of change combines the positive significance of the ever-new aspect of the arts with the inevitable risks of social division for Kent Nagano, cosmopolitan and Hamburg’s gen-eral music director. From his preparations for the new production of Wagner’s Ring at the Hamburg State Opera, Nagano sent a greeting message to TAOME, invoking basic human constants in times of extreme upheaval. In this context, the cultural venues as well as the mu-sic itself play special roles for Nagano as a sign of a society in which people maintain con-tact.
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Video recording “Collaboration as a form of organisation: How to learn future-oriented thinking in old systems?” with Jasmin Vogel 13/10/2022
Change clearly is connected to boldness, says Jasmin Vogel, executive director of the Kulturforum in Witten since 2019. For example, a – serious – change-oriented participation process is only possible if accepting that only part of one’s own idea is going to be evident in the final project. She presented a number of examples of how participation can turn into a creative and innovation driver within an organisation in her lecture.
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Video recording “The music business and ecological responsibility” 11/10/2022
What role do the arts play in developing a sustainable society and what experiences from the time of the pandemic may be useful in this context? Soumik Datta, who performed music in London’s orphaned cultural spaces during the pandemic, focused on the expanded role of those creating culture. Manuel Rivera called for making the urgency and the dramatic situation of our planet in light of climate change much clearer in the context of art as well and asked everyone to think about new ways of working. Becky Hazelwood also considers the arts capable of reaching people in ways that go beyond the capacities of abstract facts and figures.
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Players 2022
Alma Pripp
Andrea Thilo
Anke Fischer
Becky Hazlewood - remote
Carolin Stüdemann
Chi-chi Nwanoku
Christoph Lieben-Seutter
Eliza-Maïmouna Sarr
Feimatta Conteh
Francine Gorman
Guy Dermosessian
Jasmin Vogel
Kai-Michael Hartig
Karina Svensson
Lothar Dittmer
Louwrens Langevoort
Manuel Rivera
Mashanti Alina Hodzode
Nate Holder
Orchester im Treppenhaus: DISCO
Orchester MRIYA
Raphaël Schenkel
Sarah Herke
Soumik Datta
Stephanie Cuff-Schöttle
Tina Heine - remote
Tine Van Goethem
Alma Pripp

Alma Pripp
Andrea Thilo
Anke Fischer
Becky Hazlewood - remote
Carolin Stüdemann
Chi-chi Nwanoku
Christoph Lieben-Seutter
Eliza-Maïmouna Sarr
Feimatta Conteh
Francine Gorman
Guy Dermosessian
Jasmin Vogel
Kai-Michael Hartig
Karina Svensson
Lothar Dittmer
Louwrens Langevoort
Manuel Rivera
Mashanti Alina Hodzode
Nate Holder
Orchester im Treppenhaus: DISCO
Orchester MRIYA
Raphaël Schenkel
Sarah Herke
Soumik Datta
Stephanie Cuff-Schöttle
Tina Heine - remote
Tine Van Goethem
Gallery 2022
Tuesday, 11.10.2022


Opening, Andrea Thilo (Master of Ceremonies)

Kai-Michael Hartig (Head of the Culture Division, Körber-Stiftung)

Anke Fischer (Head of Education, Elbphilharmonie)

Andrea Thilo and Feimatta Conteh

Dr. Manuel Rivera (Research Group Leader, Institute for transformative sustainability research)

Panel discussion, Karina Svensson, Becky Hazlewood (Environmental Sustainability Project Manager, Julie’s Bicycle), Dr. Manuel Rivera, Soumik Datta

Nate Holder

Get-together DJ: Guy Dermosessian (Agent in the 360° Programme of the Federal Cultural Foundation, Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus)

Soumik Datta, Feimatta Conteh, Nate Holder




Get together in the Körber Forum

Get together, participants

Get together in the Körber Forum

Kai-Michael Hartig, Dr. Lothar Dittmer, Anke Fischer, Christoph Lieben-Seutter

Christoph Lieben-Seutter (General & Artistic Director, Elbphilharmonie & Laeiszhalle)

Dr. Lothar Dittmer (Chairman of the Board, Körber-Stiftung)

Feimatta Conteh (Environmental Sustainability Manager, Manchester International Festival)

Karina Svensson (Education Managerin, Konserthuset Stockholm / Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra)

Soumik Datta (Artist, Producer)

Nate Holder (Musician, Author and Lecturer), Tine Van Goethem (Head of Education, BOZAR)

Guy Dermosessian, Andrea Thilo

Andrea Thilo, Soumik Datta

TAOME VOL. VIII, Recital Hall of Elbphilharmonie Hamburg


Participants, coffee break


Get together in the Körber Forum

Get together, participants

Get together in the Körber Forum
Wednesday, 12.10.2022

Chi-chi Nwanoku (CBE, Double bassist, founder of the Chineke! Orchestra)

Guy Dermosessian (Agent in the 360° Programme of the Federal Cultural Foundation, Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus)

Francine Gorman (Projektmanagerin UK, Keychange)

Panel discussion: Guy Dermosessian, Raphaël Schenkel, Francine Gorman, Louwrens Langevoort

Programme Manager, Tandem

Workshop discussion, Chi-chi Nwanoku CBE, Anke Fischer, Kai-Michael Hartig, Andrea Thilo

Mashanti Alina Hodzode, Stephanie Cuff-Schöttle

Orchester im Treppenhaus "DISCO"



Workshop excercise with participants


Video message Lydia Grün (president of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München)

Raphaël Schenkel (Clarinetist and Festival Director Klang-Labor)

Louwrens Langevoort (Artistic Director, Kölner Philharmonie, President of ECHO)

Digital interview with Tina Heine (Artistic Director, Jazz&theCity)

Mashanti Alina Hodzode (Peace facilitator, Co-founder DE-CONSTRUCT) and Stephanie Cuff-Schöttle (Racism sensitive psychologist, Co-founder DE-CONSTRUCT)

Moritz Ter-Nedden (Conception team and violin, Orchester im Treppenhaus), Thomas Posth (Artistic Director and conductor, Orchester im Treppenhaus)

Orchester im Treppenhaus "DISCO"



Workshop discussion, participants

Break time discussions

Miro Board Sustainability
Thursday, 13.10.2022

Alma Pripp (Head of International Office, Human Library Organisation)

Jasmin Vogel (Chairperson, Kulturforum Witten)

Fish Bowl Discussion, Jamin Vogel, Carolin Stüdemann, Alma Pripp, Matthew Robinson, Andrea Thilo


Group discussion, participants

Group discussion, participants

Carolin Stüdemann (Managing Director, Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V.)

Andrea Thilo

Fish Bowl Discussion

Miro Board Sustainability, Vincent Dahm, Andrea Thilo

Group discussion, participants